Welcome Linda to the CKTeam

Linda, our food and beverage advertising agency’s senior copywriter, joined the team in 2019. Here’s our Q&A with her!

What is your new role at ColinKurtis? I’m the new Senior Copywriter with ColinKurtis. Short answer: I write. I bring my marketing, branding and culinary background together to make creative briefs come to life. I also wordsmith and refine content to help clients shine.

What does a typical day look like? I start my day with a cardio or strength-training workout to have energy for the day. I look over my schedule for any changes and then draft ideas with rush writing or mind mapping techniques; I write many headlines, so this helps get ideas flowing. Later, I review copy and edits that are due and prepare questions or clarification for the next team meeting. Over lunch I check out restaurant and culinary news to stay in the loop. I spend afternoons writing and editing with meetings as they come up.

What part of your role do you enjoy the most? I enjoy helping clients shine brighter in competitive fields. I’ve been working within the culinary division for a client, which has been creative and fun since I’m able to apply my background in restaurant branding. I recently helped a restaurant client with an episode of “Chicago’s Best” TV, and then we garnered “Best Northside Restaurant”. I look forward to using this skill set to help CK’s clients.

Can you tell us a little about your professional background? I have a colorful past including a BFA in English, with a career in radio; I had a stint naming paint colors, plus adventures writing for digital teams, health and beauty products, an educational toy company, “Good Morning America” and “Chicago’s Best Italian”. I’ve drawn on these experiences for a range of CK projects since I started.

How do you enjoy spending your time outside the office? I love leisure sailing (think floating patio and pairings in Chicago’s warm weather months and Marina del Rey, CA for long weekends). I enjoy staying active in Chicago’s fantastic food scene, as well as volunteering for concerts and classes that benefit the community.

What did you want to be when you grew up (before you knew you would have a career in marketing)?

I wanted to be involved in writing for radio and TV. I worked in radio in a couple cities. I’ve been able to write for TV as well. Part of me always knew I could use my strengths in writing for marketing, so it’s panned out well.



By | 2020-03-31T01:24:50+00:00 March 31st, 2020|Creative|0 Comments

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