Cannon 2017-08-21T09:09:56+00:00

Discovery yields customer-friendly technology and better business


A ColinKurtis case study

Cannon Equipment had worked with us on several projects before they came to us with the task of redesigning their website.

Cannon Equipment is the premier designer and manufacturer of material handling carts, cages, racks, and automation equipment used in dairies and newspaper operations.


The process started with an in-depth, face-to-face assessment of the needs, purpose and goals of the new website and to determine the intended and desired users. Through this discovery process, we learned that Cannon Equipment had two very different product lines with distinctly different audiences. It was determined those audiences would be best served by two separate websites, CannonCarts and Cannon Machinery, that could be accessed from one Cannon splash page.



Since the client recognized that “seeing the carts sells them,” 3-D renderings were ultimately developed and animated to show the working features of their most popular carts, which are rotated on the homepage of the CannonCarts site. Also, the homepage was thoughtfully designed so users could easily navigate to the areas of the site that were most relevant.

We also determined that potential customers needed the ability to determine whether a standard or a custom cart would fit their needs best. By entering information such as application, dimensions, and load, a database-driven tool allows them to determine what standard and customizable “build a cart” options are available for their specific needs.
The “build a cart” feature also became the basis for an app developed for Cannon’s sales staff to present cart options to their customers and email the information to receive quotes, adding ease and efficiency to the sales process.


Working with a massive amount of content and a team of animators and app developers made this project a truly exciting challenge. The resulting app and coordinating websites are beautifully designed and extremely functional as true business tools for the client. And to us, that is true success!